Generate Short/Long Perturbed Parameter Ensembles (PPE) with CESM
1. Main Settings Experiment name: f.e12.FAMIPCN.f19_f19 f f compset; “F” compsets use CAM,CLM, CICE(prescribed-thermo), DOCN(prescribed-SST). e12 cesm1.2.2 (model version) FAMIPCN AMIP run for CMIP5 protocol with CLM/CN: AMIP_CAM4_CLM40%CN_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV AMIP: time, AMIP runs CAM4: atmosphere model CAM4 CLM40: land model, clm4.0 CN (carbon-nitrogen) model version: a biogeochemistry model that simulates the carbon and nitrogen cycles CICE%PRES: prescribed sea ice DOCN%DOM: DOCN data ocean mode RTM: river transport model, land river runoff...